Final Cut Studio and composer

Not applicable

Hi Everyone,

I am again writing about a failed attempt and packaging a Final Cut Studio 3 using the latest composer. I created this from an iMac which is identical to the ones in the lab. I then took a basic install of only the OS with all the updates applied. I used our volume license to install Final Cut on the iMac. This after creating the snapshot and following up after installed and updated for Pro Apps. So I built a .pkg installer and moved it to the Imaging Admin app and tested. Most of the apps error out on trying to open. Some open with errors and 1 doesn't have a problem.

Any thoughts on how to proceed? I know the process is hours in the making so to keep trying and trying and having it failed is really a problem. We may have to resort to creating a whole separate image with it already installed as a Base image so to speak.

I appreciate all of your time in trying to help me figure this one out.


-- Michael D. Conners, APP
Apple Project Leader
3550 Anderson Street
Madison, WI 53704
Phone: 608-246-6360 Fax: 608-246-6329
Work E-Mail: mconners at

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![external image link](attachments/1744c19e3ca649abb8f305171dae4d30)


Not applicable

Hi Michael

On 1 Feb 2010, at 15:04, Michael D Conners wrote:

It's tricky to say much about the specific problem you're having without more info but I can reassure you that I've successfully created a FCS3 package. I split FCS up into one dmg file containing the various apps and app data (this weighs in at about 2.5GB) and a second dmg with the Motion LiveFonts (which is around 7GB). That's all that's required in our case. I didn't take any unusual steps when creating the files, to be honest. I just ran a regular snapshot of a customised install. It works very well, and it's also relatively quick to build this way.

That said, I have run into a problem similar to yours with an Aperture package I've been working on, and I *think* this is related to a Pro Apps update. I haven't finished diagnosing that one yet so I can't give you any more specific information at the moment but the crash logs point in this direction. So maybe that would be something to look at in your case.




Dr. James Partridge
Apple Systems Development & Support
Oxford University Computing Service
13 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 6NN

Tel.: (01865) 273207
iChat: james.partridge at