Firmware updating

Not applicable

Thought I'd throw it out there and see if I'm doing this right, or even on the right mindset.

So it's up to users to install the actual firmware patch to their machines right?If I force their machines to download apple patches every week, the updates are not considered complete until the firmware is installed.

So here's what I'm using to force users to install the firmware.

We'll use the SuperDrive Update that came out a while ago.

Smart group that has clients with the SuperDrive installed but do not have the package receipt present. I get a list of users who have yet to patch firmware and get a receipt in their system?

I then create a once a day policy that executes open -a "/Applications/ Utilities/SuperDrive" on that smart group. The end result is users will get te dialog everyday saying they need to install the firmware. Once they do, they get the receipt installed and they fall out of the smartgroup.

Is this what some of you are doing?

I'd be curious if there are easier ways to accomplish this.



Not applicable

How are you getting around the issue that you need admin credentials to
actually run the firmware update?

Not applicable

All users are admins.

David Marcantonio

Honored Contributor

I wonder if you could have self service do it, since self service should use the ssh account that is on the machine to execute policies locally, which would need admin rights

Not applicable

I tested self service with software update before and it worked great, just can’t remember if I did firmware updates in that too. I think it should work. I am getting set to do a regular patch management here, and will be facing the same thing.


On 2/25/10 10:02 AM, "Thomas Larkin" <tlarki at> wrote:

I wonder if you could have self service do it, since self service should use the ssh account that is on the machine to execute policies locally, which would need admin rights

Not applicable

We had originally tried pushing all software updates.

The software update install went ok, but when the users restarted they had
3-4 prompts on their screen...bluetooth firmware, EFI firmware, keyboard
firmware, etc. All of them were prompting for administrator rights...

Valued Contributor

Hey all,

The major issue here is not necessarily admin rights, but having someone touch the Mac. When I'm asked what the Casper Suite does, my response is often "it does anything you'd want to do to a Mac short of physically touching it". Firmware updates are one of those things that require physically touching the Mac.

The way I've dealt with this in the past is to use dummy receipts, and this would transfer well to the upcoming extension attributes. The script I'd use to identify Macs with firmware updates available is:

## script
# identify if there are more than zero firmware updates available

fwupdcount=softwareupdate -l | grep -c -e Firmware -e EFI -e SMC


With an extension attribute, my recommendation would be to have the value be either a "Y" or an "N".

With either a dummy receipt or an extension attribute, you could then create a smart group based on whether a Mac has firmware updates available or not. The membership list for this group can become a work list for a technician to go around applying the firmware updates.

I would have my automatic software updates policy scoped to a smart group with the following criteria...

OS Configuration Information
Number of Available Updates more than 0


Receipts Information
Packages installed by Casper has "dummy receipt in question"

...or if extension attributes are used, I'd replace the dummy receipt criteria with the item below.

Extension Attributes Information
Firmware Updates Available is N

Doing this would have the following results:
If a Mac has software updates available but no firmware updates available, a policy will run the software updates.
We'll have a list of Macs requiring firmware updates and therefore need to be physically touched.

I hope this is helpful, and be sure to test thoroughly if you decide to implement this method.

Miles Leacy
Technical Training Manager
Mobile (347) 277-7321

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Honored Contributor

I am not yet quite an AppleScripting wizard, and am still just an apprentice. However, in my dealings with applescript you can fully control the GUI with it. You can tell the finder to activate windows, click OK, you can tell system events to do other tasks. So, what you may want to end up doing, and if I get some free time to dive into my Applescript 123 book soon I will definitely try it out, is that you write a script that detects if any firmware updates are available, or pack it all up in self service. Then, if one is detected it can run a post boot (by flagging for run at next log in) an Applescript that automates the process.

Heck you can even use apple script to automate an admin account logging in, doing the task and then log out. Shell scripts can invoke applescript and vice versa, so yes, Miles is right -- you can make Casper do whatever it is you want it to do, granted you know how to use the right tools along side with Casper.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Yeah, but Miles is right, you have to be physically at the machine to do
firmware updates, at least most of them.

Take the recent MacPro update. You had to hold down the power button to get
the update to install. Same is true of some other FW updates.

Now, if Apple moves to finally only require the machine to shutdown to
finish installation, we might be on to something.

  1. Scope a Smart Group to catch all machines that require FW update.

  2. Use Casper VNC or ARD to punch the buttons, or an AppleScript as Tom
    suggested, and shutdown said machines.

  3. Reboot machines at a set time using PM scripts, or just wait for the
    user to power on in the morning.

Could work....

Steve Wood
Director of IT
swood at

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