Flush Cached Policies on Machines?

New Contributor

It seems that policies are cached on Casper-managed machines, as a policy to run a script on Login I disabled in the JSS (by unpicking the 'Enabled' option), still appears to be running on my model managed iMac. How can I clear any locally cached policies, and ensure that the latest versions are brought down from the JSS?



New Contributor

Sorry to bump, but this is confusing me. I definitely have disabled the login script to change the Desktop picture (which didn't work reliably, anyway) in the JSS, but it's still running at login on at least two different machines (possibly all of them). I've tried flushing the policy history, and running jamf manage on all the machines.

I've tried looking in /Library/Application Support/JAMF/ and can't see the policies there. Is there somewhere else I can look, or anything else I can do to stop the rogue login script running?


Valued Contributor

You may need to get into a root shell and poke around under /Library/Application Support/JAMF (I think Offline Policies).

New Contributor


thanks for getting back to me!
I had a look in there, and there's nothing obvious in Offline Policies, Waiting Room or Downloads folders in /Library/Application Support/JAMF. The rogue script appears to be running at the JSS checkin interval (i.e. every few minutes). I can't see it in /Library/LaunchAgents or LaunchDaemons, either.

I have a feeling this may be related to my renaming some Policies in JSS. I think the old policies might still be be running on the machines somehow. Does this sound feasible?


New Contributor

Ah, just noticed you specified I should su to root before I look in /Library/Application Support/JAMF. I'll give that a go, maybe the offending files were hidden to me. I'll have a poke around again tomorrow.
