'fontrestore default' on Catalina and higher

New Contributor

Hi all. Has anyone had any experience with the fontrestore default command to clear out non-standard fonts? Seems to work OK on OSes up to Mojave and then seems broken for me in Catalina and above. The command is:

fontrestore default

 ...and usually results in this or similar output after asking for authentication:

testMac:~ username$ fontrestore default
These fonts are not part of the default system install. They have been removed to 'Fonts (Removed)':

However on Catalina I get:

username@testmac ~ % fontrestore default   
 unable to create '/Users/username/Library/Fonts (Removed)' (1 -- Operation not permitted)
The installed fonts are awesome. No problems found.

I checked that Terminal has full disk access but still get the above failure, even though I know there are definitely non standard fonts in the user font library .
Any help greatly appreciated - I'm hoping to script this command and deploy via JAMF in order to clean up the fonts on our Mac estate. Unfortunately fontrestore doesn't seem to be a well documented command!