Posted on 03-15-2022 11:01 AM
I forgot to renew my push certificate last Friday. Tried to go through the process several times with no luck. It looks like my serial number for the MDM is different then what is in JAMF Pro
After I upload the MDM license it asks if I want to overwrite the existing certificate. I am using the correct Apple ID's.
JAMF tech support was busy and the ticket went to someone who is on vacation.
Any help is much appreciated.
Posted on 03-15-2022 12:27 PM
If you're following this process and it's telling you that the certificate will be replaced rather than renewed, it's likely that you've logged into the Apple Push Certificates Portal with a different Apple ID. When you logged into the portal, was there already an expired certificate listed?
Posted on 03-15-2022 01:40 PM
There's also this option for support: Contact Apple for help with Apple Push Notification service certificates.