Posted on 07-10-2009 01:43 PM
With Snow Leopard about 2 months off, I was wondering if anyone has any
tips/ideas/tricks for doing OS X upgrades for a full dot release. I'm sure
many here have done an upgrade from 10.4 to 10.5 and I'm just looking for
some idea as many of us are probably having to start looking at an upgrade
path for our managed clients.
John Moore | System Engineer End User Computing | Cerner Corporation |
816.201.1564 | 816.651.7599 | john.l.moore at |
Posted on 07-13-2009 06:53 AM
Full wipe and image of the newest build of the OS with all the latest
updates. That is how I would roll out any new OS update. That is how
we rolled out 10.5 last year.