GarageBand Loops...

New Contributor

I'd like to allow users to install GarageBand's Additional Instruments and
Loops '08. I can't seem to create a Self Service policy for
GarageBandExtraContent.pkg for users without resorting to utilizing SUS. There appears to be preflight and postflight install Perl scripts within
the package that are not updating the GB registry. Has anyone had any
luck with either getting this to work or recreating the package and
updating the GB registry?

John McLaughlin
Technical Support Specialist
Newton Public Schools


Not applicable

I believe this will work for you; I'm not in a position to do a proper test.

Go to software update on a machine with Casper Admin on it that does not have the Garageband update installed. Go to software update, be sure that the Garage Band Instruments And Apple Loops is the only item with a check mark in front of it, and, from the menu, choose Update -> Download only.

When it is done, you will have a "~/Downloads/GarageBand Instruments and Apple Loops" folder, which in turn contains a "Packages" folder. This one only has one package (the iTunes update, for comparison, has four packages). You should be able to simply drag the "GarageBandExtraContent.pkg" file into Casper Admin and deploy it.

I'd be interested to know if it works. I have deployed packages straight from other sources (esp. printer installers), and it usually works without a hitch -- the only problem you run into is when you have a special .pkg file that doesn't contain the files, but points to them. Such a .pkg is usually fairly small (<150 Kb), and you are most likely to run into it on an OS install disk. This garageband extra content package is 1.12 Gb, so there is every reason to think it'll work.

The advantage of this over building a package is that it will have the correct pre- and post-install scripts with it.

Clinton Blackmore

New Contributor

Thanks for all of your replies. I was able to extract the package from
the dvd installer so that wasn't an issue. In looking within the package,
you'll find both a preflight and postflight perl scripts that take care of
the reindexing. I wasn't sure how to deal with this since it takes each
argument as it installs and then I saw a shell script posted by Jeff Dyck
on and he rescripted it into shell to use the built-in binary
of Apple's to reindex the loops. Here is that code.

#! /bin/sh


rm -rf /Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/*
$Indexer "/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple/iLife Sound Effects/"
$Indexer "/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple/Apple Loops for GarageBand/"

clinton.blackmore <[ mailto:clinton.blackmore at
]clinton.blackmore at> writes:

I believe this will work for you; I'm not in a position to do a proper

Go to software update on a machine with Casper Admin on it that does not
have the Garageband update installed. Go to software update, be sure that
the Garag e Band Instruments And Apple Loops is the only item with a check
mark in front of it, and, from the menu, choose Update -> Download only.

When it is done, you will have a "~/Downloads/GarageBand Instruments and
Apple Loops" folder, which in turn contains a "Packages" folder. This one
only has one package (the iTunes update, for comparison, has four
packages). You should be able to simply drag the
"GarageBandExtraContent.pkg" file into Casper Admin and deploy it.

I'd be interested to know if it works. &nbs p;I have deployed packages
straight from other sources (esp. printer installers), and it usually
works without a hitch -- the only problem you run into is when you have a
special .pkg file that doesn't contain the files, but points to them. Such a .pkg is usually fairly small (<150 Kb), and you are most likely to
run into it on an OS install disk. This garageband extra content package
is 1.12 Gb, so there is every reason to think it'll work.

The advantage of this over building a package is that it will have the
correct pre- and post-install scripts with it.

Clinton Blackmore

On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 23:10:45 -0400, "John McLaughlin" <[ mailto:John_McLaughlin at ]John_McLaughlin at> wrote: I'd like to allow users to install Gara geBand's Additional Instruments


Loops '08. I can't seem to create a Self Service policy for GarageBandExtraContent.pkg for users without resorting to utilizing SUS. There appears to be preflight and postflight install Perl scripts within the package that are not updating the GB registry. Has anyone had any luck with either getting this to work or recreating the package and updating the GB registry?


John McLaughlin Technical Support Specialist Newton Public Schools

Not applicable

I just made a DMG package out of it with Composer. Its just sound files and receipts as far as I can tell. Nothing fancy that you absolutely have to use the pkg installer.


Contributor II

Has anyone had luck with this in iLife 11. I managed to grab the Apple package for the loops. It's called GarageBandExtraContent.pkg
It works perfectly if you roll it out to a machine via Casper Remote, but it doesn't seem to work quite right at time of imaging. If you apply it to a machine at the the time of imaging (after iLife 11) The loops are in the correct folder etc on the machine, but GarageBand doesn't seem to know that.

Contributor II

It seems that possibly there are some postflight Perl scripts that run in GarageBandExtraContent.pkg that make some registry and or index changes in Garageband. It would appear that these don't run if you try and install the package at the time of imaging.

Valued Contributor II

Yea I had this issue as well. It's the garage band search index you need to make sure is pushed in the proper order so it sees all the loops.

Contributor II

When imaging iLife 11 gets pushed first. The GarageBandExtraContent.pkg gets pushed out after that. But on a new build the loops index file doesn't seem to get up dates. If I build a machine with iLife 11 and then push out the GarageBandExtraContent.pkg to it via Casper remote all works just fine.


It's been a while since I've done this but I believe if you include a post-flight script to remove old index files the install should work. Per my notes, we run the following:

rm -f /Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/.txt
rm -f /Users/
/Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/*.txt

I hope this helps...

Contributor II

I tried running :

rm -f /Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/.txt
rm -f /Users/
/Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/*.txt

as a postflight, but it actually makes it worse. GarageBand then says that it has no loops.

Contributor II

I tried running :

rm -f /Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/.txt
rm -f /Users/
/Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/*.txt

as a postflight, but it actually makes it worse. GarageBand then says that it has no loops.


I had success installing GarageBand with all the loops. The script mentioned above was helpful, but with one change from the stated use. Here is what I did to fix GarageBand on my computers running Mac OS 10.6.8 and 10.7.5.

A) Sit at a computer with a clean install of Mac OS 10.7.5.
B) Launch "Composer" and perform a "Normal Snapshot".
C) Download GarageBand via the App Store.
D) Launch GarageBand, at which time it will probably download more stuff.
E) Browse the GarageBand loops until you find one that is missing. It will prompt you do download more stuff.
F) Quit GarageBand.
G) Go back to Composer and perform the post-scan.
H) In Composer, build the DMG.
I) In Casper Admin, upload the new DMG that now includes the app, instruments, and loops.
J) Via the JSS interface, create a new policy that installs that package.
K) Add a pre-script containing the previously recommended commands, which will delete any previous installed undesirable indexes:
rm -f /Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/.txt
rm -f /Users/
/Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/*.txt

Contributor II

Thanks, dmohs. I know I wasn't the asker, but your solution was simple and helped me out greatly.


Anyone tried packaging up Garageband 10.1? Or found where the new loops are downloaded from?


Valued Contributor III

This script is something i've had success using for the loops files.

Valued Contributor II

Here's a step-by-step How-To from the fine folks at Amsys:


Has anyone found solution for Indexing Loops? Garageband 10.1 does not seem to handle the indexing the same way.

Honored Contributor

Just to copy my post from that thread:
Just in case anyone is wondering, the packages do need to be installed in a specific order (basically by the date last modified of each package) which as of today looks like this. If you don't do it this way then some of the loops will not be indexed and will need to be downloaded and re-installed.

