Posted on 05-25-2016 07:14 AM
Hey everyone. We just moved a batch of iPads into DEP and reset up everything using a fresh up to date JSS via DEP enrollment. All of the past headaches with app deployments are basically gone, however I have a new complaint which may or may not be a real issue. We use shared iPads in mobile labs. Students save their work using Google Drive/Docs and sign out of their google account at the end of the class period. The next student signs on first thing next period. We have reports of about 25% of the students losing their work. I wan't to double check if anyone is experiencing these issues out there as well because it could also be user error or the issue could be network related. Thanks for the help
Posted on 05-25-2016 07:53 AM
@Jalves Last week, we had one teacher report something similar where Google Drive/Docs work on shared iPads was lost for a few of his students. I'm curious to hear if others are seeing this behavior too.