Google Chrome

New Contributor II

Hi all, looking for a bit of help with Chrome. I am looking to add it as a 2nd browser on some Macs. I have a super basic package that literally drops the app in the Applications folder.

I have used @talkingmoose shared for managed notifications to manage the notifications for Chrome but I am still seeing another one and I don't know what it is for (see screenshot).

Any ideas greatly received!


Not applicable

Did you ever get this resolved? I am experiencing this as well using the same guide from Jamf's @talkingmoose . Users still receive notifications during initial deployment of Chrome.

Additionally, do you have a workflow (configuration profile or otherwise) to manage Chrome settings on first launch? Including the "GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle"?

Thank you


@wilko_andy and @randy.andersen, it took a bit of digging, but the I believe the bundle ID you want to use for the second Google Chrome is

I too saw the double Google Chrome and that bundle ID worked for me.

Not applicable

Thank you, that worked.

New Contributor III

Thanks @talkingmoose , huge help as always!

No idea how you tracked down that bundle ID but added it to my PLIST and now allows me to completely manage both Chrome notifications.

@petestanley, can you please share which PLIST you added these bundle IDs to, to manage both sets of Chrome notifications? I'm trying to avoid pushing these out via a Configuration Profile, as I'm not against our users modifying them if need be. Is it possible to simply add these to the Google Chrome install Policy?

@user-euWWiRePoQ As far as I know, there's no way to set it centrally and allow users to override.

The preference itself sits in /Library/Managed\ Preferences/ when deployed via MDM configuration profile:

    NotificationSettings =     (
            AlertType = 1;
            BadgesEnabled = 1;
            BundleIdentifier = "";
            NotificationsEnabled = 1;
            ShowInLockScreen = 0;
            ShowInNotificationCenter = 1;
            AlertType = 1;
            BadgesEnabled = 1;
            BundleIdentifier = "";
            NotificationsEnabled = 1;
            ShowInLockScreen = 0;
            ShowInNotificationCenter = 1;
    PayloadUUID = "123456-123456-123456-123456-123456";


Believe if not set via MDM profile, it could live in /Library/Preferences/ Perhaps if set there would allow users to override?

New Contributor III

Hi @petestanley ,

To query the notification center database, just type this command line in the Terminal:

sqlite3 "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR)/" "select * from app;"

All the applications domains/bundles IDs that uses the Notification Center will show up.


@talkingmoose Maybe I missed it somewhere, can you please share the first bundle ID as well? Appreciated.

NVM I think it's just the standard


Contributor III

can you share the completed deployment script for chrome that included the notifications and prompts going away?