Google File Stream on Shared Devices and Binding to AD

New Contributor II

We would like to move away from binding our shared laptops to AD. The only thing stopping us is Google File Stream. We do not want to risk students not logging out of GFS. Has anyone faced this situation and if so, what options did you entertain and/or settle on?


New Contributor

Interesting I just had this conversion the other day with my team. We really don't need AD anymore because everything is in google edu and we manage with Jamf. We would need a way to clear the device for the next student user.

New Contributor

Has anyone come up with a solution to force logoff of Google Drive File Stream when a user logs off the Mac. This would be a huge benifit for the Mac labs on campus.

Valued Contributor

You should be able to script out a kill command to the process ID. Tie the script to Log Off.

This kinda talks about how to get the process ID (grep)

I'm a terrible coder. :)