Google Tour Builder

New Contributor

In order to use Google Tour Builder I had to install a Google Earth Plugin. Packaged, everything worked fine, but now when I try to run the web-based program I get an error message - "You don't have permission to use the application "Google Earth for Plugin". I ran utility monitor and found the location at - /Users/charlesmanson/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Google Earth for How the heck do I get that to be allowed to go through?


Valued Contributor II

Are you installing the plugin in the users' Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder? I'd be installing it into /Library/Internet Plug-Ins and making sure the permissions on all files in the .plugin had read and execute permissions for all users.


I am experiencing this as well. I initially had a user level restriction configuration profile set to limit access to folders and thought that was the issue. I removed the user level restriction config profile and I still receive the error you see in a non-admin AD account. Local Admin and local non-admin accounts both are able to access the google tour builder site.
The tour builder plug-in is set as allowed in safari preferences.
Were you able to get it to work?


Ok.. found a second user level restriction profile that was also interfering on a test machine.
I can now load tour builder for non-admin mobile account by allowing ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ and ~/. Will probably work with just ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ and removing the 2nd user level restriction profile.