Guest Accounts Stop Working After Update - Cannot Enable via System Preferences or Terminal Command

New Contributor

Has anyone experinced this?  Guest Accounts Stop Working After Update and cannot be Enabled via System Preferences or Terminal Command.  I am trying to contact Jamf to see if they can help.  If anyone has experienced this and have a solution please let me know:)


New Contributor III

Guest Accounts are rarely used in corporate environments due to security concerns, but if you need to enable it, check if a Jamf Configuration Profile is restricting it. In Jamf Pro, go to Configuration Profiles and verify that no policy is blocking Guest Accounts. You can also try enabling it via Terminal by running sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GuestEnabled -bool true, followed by sudo dscl . create /Users/Guest and sudo dscl . passwd /Users/Guest "". Then, check System Preferences under Users & Groups to enable Guest User. If the settings were reset after an update, running sudo jamf recon && sudo jamf policy may help. If Guest Accounts are required, make sure they align with your organization’s security policies. Let me know if this helps!

Thank you. I will try it and let you know what ends up working.

Amy Adams
Technology Coordinator
The Harbour School at Baltimore