Has anyone installed Office 2016 and Automated the Outlook credentials

New Contributor III

we are looking to push out Office 2016 , and wanted to know how people have set up uninstalling all previous versions as well getting outlook to auto configure so the users transition is smooth from one version to anther


Contributor II

I usually deploy Office with the VL Package direct from Microsoft, then have a package that installs the auto-configure scripts after.

This thread will help you out a ton.


Contributor III

for uninstalling office, I used Microsoft's kbase as a guideline for a script:

For the auto configure of Outlook 2016, we've used the same setup script that many folks have adopted:

Valued Contributor

+1 for the Outlook Exchange setup. For a very detailed guide for all the possible options for deploying and configuring Office 2016, check out this blog post: https://clburlison.com/demystify-office2016/. It covers everything you could possibly want to know.

A number of Microsoft engineers have been working closely with many Mac Admins on Slack, so a lot of the improvements and changes have been a result of their feedback on that front.

Contributor III

I created the following script based of this page to uninstall Office 2011. Automating the Outlook setup I have not done yet but am keen to give it a go!


    osascript -e 'tell application "Microsoft Database Daemon" to quit'
    osascript -e 'tell application "Microsoft AU Daemon" to quit'
    osascript -e 'tell application "Office365Service" to quit'

    # Remove Dock Items

    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word.app/' && /usr/local/bin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Word' --allhomes --no-restart
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Outlook.app/' && /usr/local/bin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Outlook' --allhomes --no-restart
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft PowerPoint.app/' && /usr/local/bin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft PowerPoint' --allhomes --no-restart
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Excel.app/' && /usr/local/bin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Excel' --allhomes --no-restart
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Communicator.app/' && /usr/local/bin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Communicator' --allhomes --no-restart
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Messenger.app/' && /usr/local/bin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Messenger' --allhomes --no-restart
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Document Connection.app/' && /usr/local/bin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Document Connection' --allhomes --no-restart
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Remote Desktop Connection.app/' && /usr/local/bin/dockutil --remove 'Remote Desktop Connection' --allhomes --no-restart

    killall Dock

    # Remove Microsoft Office 2011

    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Communicator.app/' && rm -R '/Applications/Microsoft Communicator.app/'
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Lync.app/' && rm -R '/Applications/Microsoft Lync.app/'
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Microsoft Messenger.app/' && rm -R '/Applications/Microsoft Messenger.app/'
    /bin/test -e '/Applications/Remote Desktop Connection.app/' && rm -R '/Applications/Remote Desktop Connection.app/'

    rm -R '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/'

    rm -R '/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/'
    rm -R /Library/Automator/*Excel*
    rm -R /Library/Automator/*Office*
    rm -R /Library/Automator/*Outlook*
    rm -R /Library/Automator/*PowerPoint*
    rm -R /Library/Automator/*Word*
    rm -R /Library/Automator/*Workbook*
    rm -R '/Library/Automator/Get Parent Presentations of Slides.action'
    rm -R '/Library/Automator/Set Document Settings.action'

    rm -R /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/SharePoint*
    rm -R /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist
    rm -R /Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.office.licensing.plist
    rm -R /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper

    rm -R /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/

    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Arial Bold Italic.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Arial Bold.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Arial Italic.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Arial.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Brush Script.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Times New Roman Bold.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Times New Roman Italic.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Times New Roman.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Verdana Bold Italic.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Verdana Bold.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Verdana Italic.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Verdana.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Wingdings 2.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Wingdings 3.ttf' /Library/Fonts
    mv '/Library/Fonts Disabled/Wingdings.ttf' /Library/Fonts

    exit 0

New Contributor III

Hi we are using 365 after reading the guide it state that you do not need the script to set up outlook as it has auto discovery has anyone deployed office via 365 and set up the auto configuration