Posted on 12-08-2016 10:03 PM
Hey guys
This is my first post here so please be gentle if I'm being an i#$%t
- MBP13 2016 without magic bar
- MBP15 2016
- Casper 9.96
- Winclone Pro 5.7.6
- Windows 10 Pro VL latest from MS
- After netboot imaging the windows partition does't come up as boot option when holding alt key at boot
What I did:
- bootcamp MBP15 2016 (with new default block size) with the windows iso
- pre configure windows and update all drivers
- sysprep + generalise and shutdown
- get back to MacOS and capture the bootcamp partition with winclone pro, make self extracting - option 1
- make the bootcamp partition efi bootable and capture it again - option 2 (just wanted to try all the options here)
- copy the both winclone images to casper, they got zipped on the way so I unzipped "option 1" to have it handy in original form just in case (effectively ended up with 3 winclone images - standard zipped, standard, efi bootable version)
- gave the images a category and priority of 2, my mac image is priority 1
- created a configuration, set NTFS partition and selected the winclone image (tried all 3)
- imaging process goes through fine, but the bootcamp partition never comes up
What am I doing wrong ?
Anyone got this working guys ?
Posted on 12-09-2016 02:14 AM
The issue you have isn't your fault. Apple has made some internal changes to the way the filesystem is stored on the SSD's in the newest MacBook Pros and it plays hell with Bootcamp. See the TwoCanoes blog for more info.
I'd go further and say Apple never intended Bootcamp for enterprise use and they seem to be doing their best to stop it. I've done a lot of work with this in the past and frankly I now recommend against Bootcamp in the work place. If you want Windows, either a VM solution or commodity PC hardware.