Posted on 08-08-2018 10:57 AM
I want to allow helpdesk to export the inventory of device via csv in JAMF. They don't have the export button.
Posted on 08-08-2018 12:18 PM
Taking a guess here, and I can't provide much real help in getting it figured out, but I think this will be a permissions issue. My guess is there's some permissions checkbox for their accounts that aren't enabled, that you would not likely know needs to be enabled for that.
Other than someone coming on here to tell you exactly what checkbox needs to be ticked under their accounts, you may need to play a game of Jamf Pro user permissions trial and error to get it set the right way.
It might also be easy and obvious to locate. I just haven't looked at the permissions to see what it might be.
Posted on 08-08-2018 12:23 PM
Yes, it's the permission checkbox that I need.