07-06-2022 11:52 AM - edited 07-07-2022 05:39 AM
Google released another update for Chrome. I've put together a REGEx string to match Chrome version 103.0.5060.114 or higher and is only 165 characters long. Fit's those 255 max character limits in the Smart groups and Advanced searches.
In the criteria of a Smart group or Advanced computer search, select "Application Title". For the operator select "has" and for the value type in "Google Chrome". Add another search criteria and use the "Application Version" while selecting "does not match regex" for the operator and paste in the following string;
without line returns. Since you'll want both of these criteria, make it a "and" behavior not an "or" and Voilà! The results should be Macs running an earlier version of Chrome.
Hope it's helpful.