Posted on 08-03-2010 03:03 PM
Works like a charm. Here's what we did:
Set-up: we have 3 or 4 standard user accounts, some admin, most non. We did
most all of our work in a non-admin account to ensure that, upon deployment,
it would work when deployed to that account. We also have root account
access. Some people think that's awful. We use it regularly here without
To start: we imaged a Mac using our "core OS image" via casper imaging. This
image includes OS 10.6.4, all current apple software updates, all standard
user accounts for our network and... that's about it.
1) we used composer in our standard non-admin account to snapshot for a new
(not new & modified) snapshot. we provided root account credentials when
prompted by composer.
2) we installed CS5 Design Premium. we did NOT restart here.
3) we then updated the software using adobe's updater buried at:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp/core/Adobe Application
Manager. we provided root account credentials when prompted by composer.
4) we then launched every application in the same non-admin account and
ensured that each app launched properly.
5) quit all apps and finished the snapshot.
6) scanned the directories captured and ensured no non-adobe files were
listed. if any were, deleted them.
7) eliminated adobe non-essentials such as the AIR eula located at
Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Adobe
8) saved the snapshot as a PKG (you can't uninstall via casper if you
install via a DMG)
9) uploaded to casper admin
10) indexed the pkg and categorized it.
all trial runs at deploying this pkg to snow leopard macs works like a