Posted on 12-08-2015 10:21 PM
Never heard of HipChat but the consensus seems to be it beats the pants off of Campfire.
Good with that, loving how it is a simple drag install, unfortunately haven't found any info on suppression. Other than a checkbox in it's preferences that is off by default:
Anyone deploy this yet? How are you disabling updates?
There seems to be a checkMinorUpdates key that only exists when you check the update box, then you can toggle between 1 (on) and 0 (off):
bash-3.2$ defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/com.hipchat.HipChat
HockeySDKAutomaticallySendCrashReports = 0;
HockeySDKCrashReportActivated = 1;
"MASPreferences Selected Identifier View" = General;
NSInitialToolTipDelay = 3;
"NSWindow Frame hipchat_login" = "-1402 -272 250 375 -1440 -297 1440 900 ";
SULastCheckTime = "2015-12-09 06:31:05 +0000";
accounts = "{}";
checkMinorUpdates = 0;
selectedCamera = 35f7b54ff30d0ea4a5e9d351c13af3cd63784413;
selectedCameraName = "FaceTime HD Camera";
selectedMic = 0;
selectedMicName = "Built-in Microphone";
selectedSpeaker = 1;
selectedSpeakerName = "Built-in Output";
Moving this key to /Library doesn't stop user from enabling the box. So looks like this is a user level setting only. :(
Thought I'd bounce this off JAMF Nation folks, we're going to test as soon as I can get a HipChat account, of course with the key set to 0 (off).
Judging from the excitement about this app, hoping to be ready to deploy suppressed when they give the OK.
Posted on 12-08-2015 10:39 PM
Posted on 12-09-2015 01:36 AM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Works for me.
Posted on 12-09-2015 01:56 AM
@bpavlov awesome, user level?
Posted on 12-09-2015 02:44 AM
I do computer level, but I imagine user level would work just the same.
Posted on 12-11-2015 01:10 PM
Their developer is responding to a thread over at their forum, if anyone is interested.
PS, apologies for cross posting, the info might be useful if you're deploying HipChat.
Posted on 03-22-2016 02:42 PM
Hi donmontalvo....can you help me on this discussion ?
Posted on 10-13-2016 05:59 AM
Hey donmontalvo,
How are you deploying the update suppression? Are you just pushing that as a script via policy after you install the app or putting it as a script in your package when you install it? I'm a pretty green Casper guy in my company with limited scripting knowledge, so any help would be appreciated.