Home dir opening on first login

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Does anyone know what causes the User's home directory to open in Finder
on a first login? I thought it was tied to the WindowState key in
com.apple.finder.plist but now I don't think thats it. Basically I'm
trying to avoid having this open up the first time a user logs in.



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Thanks. I tried managing the WindowState key in com.apple.finder.plist
via workgroup manager and it does appear to be working.


Honored Contributor

Nope, I don't but I do know that by default any new finder window that you open up will default the home directory. Perhaps at first time log in it is just the OS opening up a Finder window???

That is my guess.

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i believe it is the windowstate key in the finder plist. the finder plist we deploy to our managed accounts and the user template looks like this


and we no longer have the users home folder open up on first login.

jorge a. najera-ordonez