How do you manage apps for BYOD?

New Contributor II

Now I am embarking on the whole BYO area with users with their own devices, who want specific apps, and will be calling the help desk to find out what they need to do or in rare cases finding something on our portal on how to get something. I do not really like the catalog as most if not all our apps require IT to do something additional before they can use it. Like email requires enabling ActiveSync and some of our clinical apps require back end security setup, and our paging app requires a setup, etc. So if they have a catalog will install something and be like now what?

That said, I am a big fan of auto installing things based on what you are assigned. My theory was to create a user based smartgroup and tie an app to it. Then when someone called the help desk they would add that user to that smartgroup and it would show on their phone and they could help them with the rest. But what if they don't have JAMF installed yet on their phone? Technically then they aren't a user in the system so is the workflow:

  1. Call the help desk.
  2. Help desk tells them to install JAMF agent and use these settings to set it up to add them to the BYO group. Tells them to call back when done.
  3. Once they are enrolled with their network credentials call back.
  4. Help desk requests the techs enable activesync for that user. In the meantime they tell the user the app will show when it's ready to use.
  5. After the help desk gets the notification the activesync process is done, they go into JAMF and add that user's network ID to the email smartgroup and they then get the app and off they go.

    Not sure that's an ideal workflow but not sure what the right answer is or what others do.
