How long does the logs in "/var/audit" folder are keep?"

New Contributor

I know that you can modify the file "/etc/asl.conf" to make most of the system logs to be keep as long as you needed it.

But I would like to know if the logs in "/var/audit" are also affected by this file, and if not, what is the default amount of time those logs are keep in macOS? Can I modify that?, like for example to make the system keep them for 90 days or 120 days.

Thanks in advance!


Valued Contributor III

Yes but we had issue with it.. as it didn't follow the rules we set and sometime /var/audit would keep GB and GB of logs untill the OS would crash because of no swap space. Then there was a bug with Sierra that would KP the machines if you had configured per the CIS benchmarks so we stopped it. Also since then the logging has been changed I think this is one of the sites I had booked marked to investigate ..

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