Posted on 03-31-2015 09:15 AM
Hi, My 10.10 is almost ready to be deployed to prod except that I am unable to hide Extensions Preferences inside System preferences. as I am unable to find the CFBundleIdentifier of this pref pane.
Currently it is greyed out because I have not added it in 'Enabled' nor 'Hidden' preferences array.
Any idea what is the Identifier for this?
Posted on 03-31-2015 10:06 AM
All the OS default System Preference Panes live in the path of /System/Library/PreferencePanes/
Looking in there on a 10.10.2 Mac I see one labeled as Extensions.prefPane which is the one you're after. To get the Bundle Identifier, you need the following command from Terminal:
defaults read /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Extensions.prefPane/Contents/Info CFBundleIdentifier
That returns:
And you can replace the path above to any other Preference Pane to get its Bundle Identifier as well.
Hope that helps.
Posted on 03-31-2015 01:39 PM
This is super amazing :) now i can use this location to control everything else!!
Thankyou so much Mike!!!!