Posted on 02-24-2023 10:34 AM
The previous jamf guy disabled this feature, but now our CTO wants that feature enabled. Teachers and staff members would use their already existing district username and password as their apple id.
Would this be a new config profile that would have to be created? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Posted on 02-24-2023 11:49 AM
This can be found in Computers->Config Profiles->Restrictions->Applications.
Hopefully the configs are named well. If you can't find the exact config, I will choose a computer that is affected by this and scan the configs scoped to the machine and go from there.
Posted on 02-24-2023 05:00 PM
If your users are using their district username and password as their Apple ID, this restriction is not something that the previous JAMF guy put in place. This is a limitation of the Managed Apple ID. Only personal Apple IDs can be used for paid Apple services (e.g. App Store, Apple Music, Apple TV+).
Presumably by "district username and password" you mean that you are using Federated Authentication, and users are signing in using their Azure or Google credentials. In this scenario, users *can* sign into iCloud using their district provided Managed Apple ID (to facilitate use of Classroom, Schoolwork & 200GB iCloud), and sign into the App Store using their personal Apple ID for app discovery and testing (provided this is not restricted by configuration profile).
Posted on 02-24-2023 05:04 PM
I thought this looked familiar. This appears to be a duplicate post.