How to get Jamf to report iOS device private IP

New Contributor II


I have some iOS devices in Jamf Pro. Currently Jamf only reports their public IPs. How do I get it to report their private IPs as well? Thanks!



JAMF can use the self service app to collect the device IP and report it back. (if you install app AIDA64 you can see all the info jamf can collect and doesnt)

JAMF choose not to when i asked them.

The irony is they said its a privacy thing, yet when i asked why to they collect IP for macs they had no response.

Contributor II


I wish this was a feature, as we would then be able to tie iPads to buildings (each building has network segments built out in Jamf to associate with buildings), just like we do with computers. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense that it's possible to do with this macOS but not with iOS.