Posted on 01-06-2020 10:27 AM
I want to set a "white list" that only some apps and webclips can use on iPad.
Apps are easy , I can just use the Mobile Devices > Configuration Profiles > Options > Restrictions and select those apps I want in the Only Allow Some Apps, but how about webClips? WebClips don't have bundle ids , so they can't be selected.
WebClips were hidden as well, and I tried other ways :
1. Set the hyperlink use Markdown in the Self Service's description, but faild ,the web just open in the Self Service but I want to call the web browser.
2. Set the WebClips in the Dock , but failed , once I only allowd those apps , the WebClips won't show in the dock, so the main screen layout, either.
I hope you guys have some other way to help me , I'd be so grateful!
PS: I can's use the "Don't allowed some apps" , because I can't reach what I want.
Posted on 01-08-2020 05:20 PM
Okay, I figure it out myself. link is below there ↓
To only allowed show the WebClips and using Google Chrome to open it