How to restrict changing wifi settings on iOS devices

New Contributor II

We are using Jamf Pro and need a way to restrict students from changing the Wifi settings on iOS devices such as iPads. I have looked through all configuration profile settings/restrictions and do not see any that would achieve this result. Does anyone have a script or know how to accomplish this? Any help would be appreciated. 


Release Candidate Programs Tester

There is a restriction that prevents the device from connecting to networks not specified by a configuration profile, but this is problematic for devices that go home with students/users.


Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 10.34.30 AM.png

New Contributor II

I have the same problem at Jamf School, and unfortunately, there is no solution yet.
It is (unfortunately) a common scenario that students can easily connect to a hotspot and then create more pitfalls.
On the other hand, students who are sick at home are not allowed to access the home Wi-Fi according to the time-controlled profile, as this is, of course, configured... You can imagine the emails from the parents.