Posted on 09-03-2019 03:09 AM
Is it possible somehow to stop the enrolment policy if first triggered. We are using depnotify and when first the install starts depnotify pops up and start installing. I don't know how to stop it again, and is quite waste of time if not needed
Is it somekind of launchagent/deamon that must be killed or any tips?
Posted on 09-03-2019 03:50 AM
what I do is use an on enrollment policy that checks if anything is required to be done. So if you create a file on your build such as /Library/Management/myorg/build-complete then check for that existing in a script. If it does exit, if it doesn't call the build by a custom trigger.
that way this never happens
Posted on 09-03-2019 07:36 PM
There are a few ways to do this:
1) sudo jamf enroll -invitation 1234567789 -NoPolicy -NoRecon
(see jamf help
in terminal) this will re-enroll a device, but only if it was previously enrolled and the jamf binary is present. It will do so, with out executing any policy upon completion of enrollment
2) change your workflows to not use the EnrollmentComplete
trigger. Instead, have a single master script run at EnrollmentComplete
and then trigger DEP Notify in code, based on logic you write. This would allow you to bypass DEP Notify in situations where you can code for it
If you are looking to do a one off and just kill DEP Notify for whatever reason you can always open terminal and do sudo killalll jamf
if this is for like testing purposes or niche cases. I sometimes do this when I enroll a test device because I may not need all the apps installed, just a working enrolled Mac.
What exactly are your use cases for bypassing DEP Notify?