How to update spotify automatically?

New Contributor

Is there a way in self service to update spotify automatically. Or at the very least package/script the policy to always pull and install the latest version?


New Contributor

Yeah, I am trying to figure this out too. How would we go about doing this? It prompts users for the admin login each time Spotify is launched to update. How can we allow the user to auto update?

New Contributor

I have this question also. Students are always coming in for a password when Spotify updates. Can it be added to Patch Management?

New Contributor

Would really love to have this as well.

Valued Contributor

I stopped allowing the app. They can use the web browser player and leave me out of it.

New Contributor III

Can't we modify a .plist or something ?

Honored Contributor

Gonna have to plug AutoPKG again:

autopkg search spotify

Name                        Repo                  Path                                    
----                        ----                  ----                                    
Spotify.filewave.recipe     andredb90-recipes     Spotify/Spotify.filewave.recipe         
Spotify.install.recipe      homebysix-recipes     Spotify/Spotify.install.recipe          
Spotify.pkg.recipe          homebysix-recipes     Spotify/Spotify.pkg.recipe              
Spotify.jss.recipe          jss-recipes           Spotify/Spotify.jss.recipe              
Spotify.munki.recipe        recipes               Spotify/Spotify.munki.recipe        recipes               Spotify/         
Spotify.LANrev.recipe       seansgm-recipes       LANrevRecipes/Spotify.LANrev.recipe     
Spotify.Absolute.recipe     seansgm-recipes       AbsoluteRecipes/Spotify.Absolute.recipe

Then you can use a tool like JSS Importer to automatically update your packages/patch your fleet with automation.

New Contributor II

@tlarkin Do you have a decent guide you recommend to get AutoPKG working properly?

Honored Contributor

@M.Tucker-JBE the AutoPKG git repo has a great wiki that I just followed

Contributor II

Spotify is also in Installomator!

Honored Contributor

I just created this script today because I was disappointed that the Spotify "installer" available on their website just downloads whatever the latest version is from their site. I wanted something that was more easily deployable. It has the benefit of being a single script that covers both intel and arm CPUs. And it turned out that when I put this script in a Payload-free package, it can be used with Jamf's patch management!



# hardware architecture check. Possible answers are "arm" or "i386"
CPU=$(uname -p)
echo "hardware architecture is $CPU . Installing $CPU version of Spotify"

# arm64 installation
	curl -L > /Users/Shared/SpotifyARM64.dmg 
	hdiutil attach /Users/Shared/SpotifyARM64.dmg 
	cp -R /Volumes/Spotify/ /Applications/ 
	chown -R root:wheel /Applications/
	chmod -R 755 /Applications/
	hdiutil detach /Volumes/Spotify/ 
	sleep 3 
	rm -Rf /Users/Shared/SpotifyARM64.dmg

# intel installation
	curl -L > /Users/Shared/Spotify.dmg 
	hdiutil attach /Users/Shared/Spotify.dmg 
	cp -R /Volumes/Spotify/ /Applications/ 
	chown -R root:wheel /Applications/
	chmod -R 755 /Applications/
	hdiutil detach /Volumes/Spotify/ 
	sleep 3 
	rm -Rf /Users/Shared/Spotify.dmg

if [ "$CPU" == arm ]
	then arm_install
	else intel_install

echo "Finished installing $CPU version of Spotify"

exit 0



I'm sure it could use some fine adjustments, but it works as-is... at least until they either change the URL or the package names.  [EDIT: I did have -noverify on the hdiutil command because during my testing, It caused errors. But I just realized that the errors were from a previous method I was using. I removed -noverify since it works as-is now]


Honored Contributor

Dear Spotify agents/bots/shills, @spotify123 @sedrttyaval @hardw0090 @DuaneMeade @EleanorGabriel  and others

    We get it. You’ve posted NUMEROUS times the same answer - in multiple languages. Please stop it. The purpose of JamfNation is for us to share new information without an agenda. All your posts are obviously for the purpose of selling premium Spotify services.  Attempting to keep alive a 5 year old post with repeated plugs for apk accomplishes nothing.