How to use Outset

Contributor III

Due to Login Hooks being deprecated, although its still working but unreliable. We are starting to move our Login Scripts to Outset. I'm just still confused on how to deploy them using JPS. Am I supposed to still use "Login" trigger to drop the scripts to Outset folders? But then that means the script will not run until the user logs back in. Or can I use "Startup" trigger instead so the scripts will be placed to Outset folders prior to the user logging in?


Contributor III

Nope! I just realized that I cannot use Startup if I am scoping Users. So Login / Once per computer per user then?

Valued Contributor

@Eigger , you create a .pkg with your script placed in the appropriate folder, then deploy as you would any other package
from the wiki

Contributor III

@Nix4Life so If I have a package that dropped a script in login-every folder. but I only want it to run when a student logs in. How do I accomplish that? Sorry, I'm so new to this, I got so spoiled with the convenience of JPS Login/Logout triggers that I can scope using AD Groups.

Valued Contributor


check the wiki