How to work around packages/policies that get stuck


I created a flash installer pkg which copied the flash update to /var/tmp then ran the bash command to install it. Unfortunately the installer got stuck waiting for processes to be closed and the jamf binary on the machines that are stuck is waiting for a "random 300 second delay" so I can't push out more policies until I get them to stop. I used Casper remote to get to some of them because it doesn't rely on the jamf binary, using a script that killed the Flash updater process and the machines report back that the Flash install pkg was successful. Some of them have gone to sleep so they might not have received the original package anyway. It only showed completion on about 20% of my machines.

Now I am hesitant to send any package out wrapped in a pkg in case it gets stuck. Can I send the package and run the command in a separate thread (the jamf binary would instantly state its successful but at least it would be available for me to do clean up)?