HTTPS Download Distribution Point Error

New Contributor

Hello all,
I am running 9.6.3 and Mac 10.10 Server. I have setup another distribution point mirroring the same settings of a known good distribution point and I am getting an error over HTTP/S download.

Error: Could not connect to the HTTP server to download Install Adobe Flash Player.pkg

I have unchecked the HTTP options and it works fine over AFP.
I have tested both HTTP and HTTPS on 80 and 443 respectively and always get that error.
I have taken out the link and re-added the link from /CasperShare/ to /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/

I am also able to type in the file path in Safari and it will start the download. But whenever running from Casper Remote, I get that error.

Any ideas?


New Contributor II

Did you get this resolved?

New Contributor III

Having the same issue. Any solutions?

New Contributor

@cadriano I had this issue when there was a known bug with spaces in the file name. I took out the spaces and got it work.

Make sure you have a CA from the JSS on the Server.

What exact error do you see?

Valued Contributor

Also saw this a http/https DP that had .dmg files with postinstall scripts

if that helps


New Contributor III

thanks @amitvasani I suspected that. Changed the file name still doesn't work. Tried recreating the symlink for the CasperShare folder. I suspect the v5.0.15 has something to do with it. I'm on 10.10.5 JSS 9.81. Can't download package via the URL (http:MyURL/share/CasperShare/Packages/mypackage.pkg) so something is up. I can access https: port 8443 but port 80 is unaccessible. :/

I think I found the answer on this thread in the comments regarding web server and

Thanks! @amitvasani and @LSinNY . Don't have the post install scripts for the DMG I was testing.

I'll post an update if what I find in the thread works.

New Contributor

@cadriano can you access the file through via the URL if you specify HTTPS? not just HTTP.

I found re-adding the CA cert from the JSS on to the Server app solved my problem.

New Contributor III

intertesting @amitvasani. The suggestion in the comments in the other thread worked (posted by luispalumbo) but I'll try that thanks!