iBooks into Self Service

New Contributor II

Hey everyone-

Sorry for all the questions lately but I am just trying to get 9.65 figured out. With the new ebooks tab in the JSS I am looking at copying a couple of Digital Literacy and Citizenship books I got from Common Sense Media over to our Self Service.

I have tried looking for them under the ebook tab and it did not come up with them so I am wondering if I would be able to grab the ebooks and get them to the JSS/Self Service but I am not sure just how to go around that and make it happen if it is possible.


Contributor II

Are these on the iBook store or iBooks you have in a .ibook format?
If it's the latter then you need to upload the iBook somewhere and have it accessible over an http address (this could be your repository if you have http sharing enabled) and put the link in to the area specified, the rest is straightforward.