iCloud in new Photos app

Contributor II

Has anyone looked at the new Photo app and removing/blocking the iCloud functionality? I did see within the app that there is a ./Contents/Resources/PreferencePanels.plist and a section related to iCloud.

I'm planning on digging through it all next week to see what settings i can mess with, but haven't seen any discussion threads if anyone else has looked at this yet or not.


Contributor II

Additionally, looks like user preferences are stored under:

Summarize photos: IPXDefaultPhotosSummarizePhotos -bool NO
Copy items to the Photos library: IPXDefaultImportUseReferencedImport -bool NO
Include location information for published items: IPXDefaultPlacesPublishPlaceInfo -bool NO
Print Products Store: KHUserPreferredStoreCountryKey -string US

Contributor II

If anyone is curious, i ended up modifying PreferencePanels.plist to remove the iCloud section. That seemed to remove most of the iCloud stuff. But the "Shared" tab still exists. I don't know of a way to lock that down yet. It includes a button to open up the iCloud System Preferences pane, but if that is locked down it won't be able to do anything. Just not as great a user experience as being able to remove it completely.