Posted on 11-08-2019 09:15 AM
I'm trying to accomplish the following: I've got a policy in Jamf that allows users to download the VirtualBox application from Self Service (that part works fine). When the application gets installed to an endpoint, I'd like to then import a device into VirtualBox.
I exported the device from VirtualBox as a .ova file, then created a package with this file via Composer and uploaded into Jamf, but for the life of me, I cannot get it to import. I've tried:
vboxmanage import /Users/Shared/google_nexus_10.ova
(note: this command accomplishes the desired result when ran locally from Terminal)
vboxmanage import /Users/Shared/google_nexus_10.ova
The Jamf policy details show the import command and script attempts as running successfully, however, the device does not actually import.
I'm tapped out with both my limited knowledge of scripting and Jamf, so truly any suggestions would be appreciated!
Posted on 11-13-2019 11:41 AM
Jeremy Nelson from Jamf was able to resolve my issue. If anyone is curious, the fix was to run the script as the current user. So that resulted in this:
user=stat -f '%Su' /dev/console
su $user vboxmanage import /Users/Shared/google_nexus_10.ova