Posted on 01-05-2018 08:37 AM
Hello JAMF nation.
I'm trying to find a good value for the query_cache_size variable of innodb.
Our Environment manages about 15K macs and 45K ipads.
Any suggestions are appreciated
Posted on 01-05-2018 09:53 AM
I have 25K Macs and 13K iPads with query_cache_size set to 16M. This is a recent setting so I have only had it under load for about a week now. I set query_cache_type to 1 and size to 16M just before Christmas break mid December. I have not seen any negative impact but can't really say if it has helped any yet either. I may let it ride like this for another week and then bump it up again to see if it makes a difference.
Posted on 01-05-2018 11:46 AM