Install Google Drive via script

Valued Contributor

Is there an updated script to install Google Drive? I have been trying to deploy Google Drive via Self Service using the package installer. 9/10 times it fails, whereas installing Google Chrome with a script works every time. I would like to do this with Google Drive. I have seen a few scripts out there, but they are many years old.


Esteemed Contributor

Jamfs Mac Apps has a policy for google drive. If that nor installomator are viable for you, I would suggest contacting google for their "evergreen" download URL for google drive so you can curl down the most current version and install it with a script.

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Contributor III

Forgot where I got this from. I don't use this myself, but it still works. 


# make temp folder for downloads
mkdir "/tmp/googledrive"

# change working directory
cd "/tmp/googledrive"

#download Google Drive File Stream
curl -L -o "/tmp/googledrive/GoogleDrive.dmg" ""

# Mount the DMG
hdiutil mount GoogleDrive.dmg

# Get Volume Name
Volume=$(diskutil info / | grep "Volume Name:" | awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6}')

# Install Google Drive
sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/Install\ Google\ Drive/GoogleDrive.pkg -target /

#Tidy Up
hdiutil unmount "/Volumes/Install Google Drive"
sudo rm -rf "/tmp/googledrive"


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Contributor III

I'm just looking for a script to install Google Drive. I am not looking to learn a whole new process. I might go down the Installomator road at some time in the future, but today is not that day. I do have it bookmarked though.

Esteemed Contributor

Jamfs Mac Apps has a policy for google drive. If that nor installomator are viable for you, I would suggest contacting google for their "evergreen" download URL for google drive so you can curl down the most current version and install it with a script.

Valued Contributor

I admit, I haven't tried using that option (Jamf Mac Apps) in a while. It used to always fail when users would install via Self Service. I will try that and see if it is working more consistently now.

I have a site that relies on Mac Apps for most of their productivity apps, including Chrome and Drive, and it works quite well - certainly less headache than rolling your own.

Valued Contributor

This appears to be working now. Thank you for the reminder.

Contributor III

Forgot where I got this from. I don't use this myself, but it still works. 


# make temp folder for downloads
mkdir "/tmp/googledrive"

# change working directory
cd "/tmp/googledrive"

#download Google Drive File Stream
curl -L -o "/tmp/googledrive/GoogleDrive.dmg" ""

# Mount the DMG
hdiutil mount GoogleDrive.dmg

# Get Volume Name
Volume=$(diskutil info / | grep "Volume Name:" | awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6}')

# Install Google Drive
sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/Install\ Google\ Drive/GoogleDrive.pkg -target /

#Tidy Up
hdiutil unmount "/Volumes/Install Google Drive"
sudo rm -rf "/tmp/googledrive"


New Contributor II

Like what others said. But if you don't want to use Jamf Apps or Installomator, you can use this script that has been working for me for the past 2 years.

cd /tmp/
curl -Lo googledrive.dmg ""
hdiutil mount googledrive.dmg
sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/Install\ Google\ Drive/GoogleDrive.pkg -target /Applications
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Install\ Google\ Drive

sudo rm -rf /tmp/googledrive.dmg