Install Self faster

Contributor II

We recently updated our environment from Casper Suite 9.97 to JAMF Pro 10.4. Since then I have seen that Self Service takes a longer to install when using Web Enrollment. On 9.97 Self Service installed almost immediately. Now it takes 10-15 minutes and some techs report over an hour. I currently have Self Service to install automatically.


Valued Contributor

@jkaigler If you are using 10.4 and the difference is between 10.13.4 and 10.12.6 with 10.12.6 being faster that would be because the method of enrollment via the web enrollment is different for 10.13 machines now when using 10.3+ (which technically is the "right" way Apple wants it done) where instead of a quickadd package initially installed and then the quickadd adding the binary, enrolling it in MDM, kicking off the binary install, etc, when on 10.13 and you enroll via the web it will now give you an MDM enrollment profile instead of a package installer which will enroll you into MDM FIRST, and then Jamf will send a push command via MDM to the client to reach out to the Jamf server and get and install the binaries, and THEN self service gets installed, etc. So the order is reversed now.

If you are seeing huge delays that probably means there is a delay with your computers receiving push commands from your Jamf server.

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor

Not noticing any particular slowdown. This isn't listed as a feature request, but what OS? 10.13's profile setup does cause a slight delay, but that's not the fault of JAMF per-se.

Contributor II

The machines would be 10.13.4. I can test on 10.12.6 install and see if there is any difference. If I run a run a "sudo jamf policy", Self Service installs immediately.

Contributor II

I just tested Web Enrollment on a 10.12.6 machine, Self Service was installed immediately after enrollment. I'll tell the field techs they just have to wait. We are mostly a Microsoft SCCM org, so they should be used to waiting.

Valued Contributor III

Not sure what to tell you. Self Service always installs immediately for us. Something is wrong in your environment.

Valued Contributor

@jkaigler If you are using 10.4 and the difference is between 10.13.4 and 10.12.6 with 10.12.6 being faster that would be because the method of enrollment via the web enrollment is different for 10.13 machines now when using 10.3+ (which technically is the "right" way Apple wants it done) where instead of a quickadd package initially installed and then the quickadd adding the binary, enrolling it in MDM, kicking off the binary install, etc, when on 10.13 and you enroll via the web it will now give you an MDM enrollment profile instead of a package installer which will enroll you into MDM FIRST, and then Jamf will send a push command via MDM to the client to reach out to the Jamf server and get and install the binaries, and THEN self service gets installed, etc. So the order is reversed now.

If you are seeing huge delays that probably means there is a delay with your computers receiving push commands from your Jamf server.

Contributor II

Thanks @chriscollins

Contributor II

It's not ideal, but I am finding a reboot after enrollment installs Self Service

Valued Contributor III

After enrollment, what happens when you open Terminal and type sudo jamf manage?

Does it pull Self Service down faster?