Installing a pkg file with 2 .xml files via Jamf policys

New Contributor

I want to distribute and install the Dell Display Manager app for our Company macs so they can use our new monitors correctly:


It comes as a .pkg file which uses two .xml files to pull from while installing.

Can I convert these to .sh format to configure the app correctly on installation?



Contributor II

You can use Composer to create a package containing the .pkg and two .xml files. Then add a postinstall script to the new pkg that calls the installer binary:

installer -pkg <pathToPackage> -target / -applyChoiceChangesXML <pathToXMLFile>


We use Jamf Pro but cant find composer in the portal anywhere.

Did the stop providing it as standard with Jamf Pro?

Legendary Contributor III

It was never something you could download directly from the Jamf Pro console. You need to head over to now and sign in there. If things are set up correctly with your account (meaning it's linked to your purchase) then you'll be able to download the Mac installer DMG from there. Composer is included in the disk image.