Installing Trendmicro Worry Free Business Anti Virus.


I am trying to automate this process as much as possible for my Mac users but I am missing something from the final step. I am new to JAMF so here's what I have done so far.

  1. Uploaded my unique package from Trendmicro via Casper Admin.
  2. Created a policy to cache the package to a user.
  3. Created a policy to install the cached package.
  4. The step I am missing (I think), is I need the program to open so it can do its thing (download preferences, virus definitions etc.) How do I do that step?

Any help is greatly received. Thanks


Valued Contributor II

@jgwatson are you using the console or is this a standalone product. I use Trend Micro, but just CURL the installer down from the server. I use the script below to install it.


#Switch to the /tmp directory
cd /tmp

#Download the Trend installer
curl -O -k

#Unzip the installer

#Install the Trend Software
installer -pkg /tmp/tmsminstall/tmsminstall.pkg -target /

#Clean up the folder
rm -rf /tmp/tmsminstall

exit 0

Valued Contributor

There are more than a couple of versions of Trend av protection for Mac and a range of names.

I've deployed "Core Protection for Mac" (aka Trend CPM) and "Trend Micro Security (for Mac)" (aka TMSM, aka Office Scan), but not the Worry Free Business version.

For Trend Micro Security (for Mac), it will automatically connect to update after it's installed. Happens immediately. The installer includes the addresses of the servers to connect back to get the updates, which could be your own hosted servers/console. If that fails, it connects to Trend. (I suspect that the Worry Free version is nearly the same as TMSM. What I don't understand/know is if you have your own internal hosted update server or is it done via SaaS with Trend.)

For Trend CPM, Tivoli was the management service for updating Trend. That has it's own update schedule. Moving away from this solution soon.


I am using the console but it is hosted by Trendmicro and that includes updates.

I can deploy the package via email within console - so would I just substitute the URL in that email for the one in your script?

Thanks again.

Contributor II

@jgwatson Were you able to find a solution for this? I am running into similar issue