Posted on
10:04 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Hello Jamf Nation! My name is Brad Schroeder and I’m a Software Engineer on the Jamf Nation team. In an effort to better connect our development team with the Jamf Nation Community we are creating a more helpful way to report bugs found on the Jamf Nation website. If you find a bug on the website, please mention me Brad Schroeder using the @ symbol in the discussion post which will notify myself and the development team will be able to take a look at it. When the bug is fixed, I’ll comment back on the discussion letting you know it’s finished. Note this is just for bugs on the website itself and not our other products.
Along with watching for bugs I’ll be cleaning up the posts marked with the Jamf Nation tag in discussions and other locations. Many of the posts marked Jamf Nation might be better off tagged with something else so I’ll be commenting on your post suggesting a tag that might be more fitting or appropriate. If you disagree with the removal of the tag, please let me know and I’ll be happy to have a conversation with you!
Thank you,
Posted on 05-27-2020 07:25 PM