This not working Intune registration is driving me nuts 🤪
I have users that are not able to register to intune what ever we try. The Mac registers to AzureAD but NOT to Intune, there is no object in Intune – great. Jamf shows the Mac without AAD ID. Error is “We are having trouble registering this device”
We also do have MFA requirement for Intune enrolment for the Macs, but this requirement does not work either.
If I compare one that does not work to one that does work, the differences in AAD / Intune are:
I can see 2 objects in AAD, one which is managed (MDM) by Intune and one where MDM is None. This machine shows also in Intune and is managed by Jamf in there. This machine works.
The other Mac that does not work has only one object in AAD, MDM is none and there is no object for that Mac in Intune