Intune VS Mac

New Contributor II

Looking for a solid comparison of Intune VS Jamf. We will be managing Macs and iPhones as well as PCs. My colleague is telling me he wants to be completely Intune but I need info to convince him otherwise. I believe I will need to convince him why Jamf with Intune integration is the best option. Help?


Honored Contributor

To be honest, the comparison is quite large. To break down the basics at a high level this is what you are looking at:

  • Intune is a pure MDM - no agent. This means have to solely deal with a push notification system
  • You can only use Microsoft Azure CDNs (jamf you can use many different ways to distribute software)
  • You cannot execute code on a regular or scheduled basis (less granularity of options)
  • Intune is not as mature as jamf

I use Intune for Windows 10 management, and it does some things decently well, but it is just not really comparable to jamf or any mature MDM that also includes an agent. The local agent just gives you so many more options over a pure MDM solution. I would say pure Intune is not a great concept for macOS

Honored Contributor

Also we have both jamf and Intune and we don't use the integration, honestly don't see a huge value in it because we don't have Azure controlling conditional access to anything right now.