inventory - depreciated machines taking up licenses

New Contributor II

We're trying to use a method of inventory that allows us to keep all our system records in once place - the JSS.
To do this, machines that are decommissioned remain in the JSS, but we uncheck the "Managed" box in the computer info.

This works well for the most part: you're able to keep a record of the hardware, without it eating a license. However, the saved Application Searches and Saved Licenses don't seem to be "managed" aware. So as machines come off of the floor they are still eating up licensed software...

a.) does anyone have a differnet solution to keeping an inventory of machines you HAD (vs live machines on the floor)

b.) does anyone know of a way to make a saved Application Search or a Saved License aware of only the MANAGED jss entries?

ben janowski
Senior Macintosh Support Technician
Kohl's Mac Support Team
262.703.1396 | benjamin.janowski at



Ben- On Oct 22, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Benjamin.Janowski at wrote:

we created "Decommissioned Hardware" as a Peripheral. Keeping the records is necessary for our accounting, and then we don't get charged a license fee.

Dan De Rusha


For searches used in the Inventory tab of the JSS, you could create a smart group that includes the Managed field so that you can exclude unmanaged computers. However, that wouldn't work in the Logs > Application Usage area of the JSS.

Sounds like a feature request to me.
James Fuller | Technology Application Services | Starbucks Coffee Company | Coffee Master
E: jafuller at | V: 206.318.7153