iOS 7 Control Center

New Contributor III

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to turn off "Access on Lock Screen" for the Control Center on iOS 7. Our security team is a bit worried about a security flaw that's being reported on CNET with a lovely accompanying how to video. (

I'm currently running Casper 8.7.3 and maybe I'm not seeing it or if there is something in version 9 where I should be pushing my upgrade faster.

Thoughts? Ideas? thanks,


Contributor III

I have a 9.21 JSS and see it as an option in the configuration profiles (under restrictions).

I no longer have an 8.x jss to play with so I can't say if it is a 9-only option. The release notes lead me to think it SHOULD be in 8.73, though.

New Contributor III

Yeah, I looked in the Restrictions.

I see Passbook while locked but nothing for Control Center. I guess this means I have to push the upgrade faster.

Valued Contributor III

Do you have the option for 'Allow Touch ID to unlock a device'? That and a simple passcode are the real vectors, not easy access to airplane mode..