Posted on 09-21-2015 04:43 AM
I was wondering if anyone has had a chance to use 9.8 and iOS 9 to distribute Apps. We currently have Apple IDs setup for all of our shared and 1:1 iPads that are created by us, so no one has the passwords. We used to be able to push Apps through the VPP Assignment groups to the iPads and they would appear under the Purchased section of the App Store with a cloud icon that they could press and it would download the App without prompting for a password and everything worked smoothly.
It now appears that has changed and doing the same process from the server side, the Apps appear with a Free label in the Purchased section and clicking on that, they then have to click Install App and then it prompts for the Apple ID which doesn't work for us. The only alternative way I found to push free Apps was using the Apps section of the Mobile Devices section and setting the Restrictions on the device to allow free Apps without a password but that doesn't work with Managed VPP Distribution and all of my groups are already setup through VPP Assignments. I also do not trust the setting to allow free Apps without a password to keep students from downloading anything they want.
Any help would be appreciated or if anyone has any ideas on being able to push Apps through Casper without getting prompted for the Apple ID password including VPP paid Apps.
Posted on 09-21-2015 04:57 AM
Wait till the next version El Cap release 30th Sept
App assignment via device ID. So no need to use Apple ID's (Don't envy you doing it with shared iPads and apple ID's)
Posted on 09-21-2015 05:55 AM
Why would El Cap have anything to do with iOS deployment through the JSS?
Posted on 09-21-2015 05:58 AM
My understanding is they were not ready or feature still had issues
Next beta update which is in testing has the feature in, as well as full support for El Cap. They normally have Zero day release so 30th Sept should be reaslsed 9.81 with the added feature
Posted on 09-21-2015 06:33 AM
I have heard of the upcoming assignment by Device but the issue is even if that works correctly which would take a bit of testing, all of my current groups are setup by User and through VPP Assignments and I would rather not have to redo all of them especially during the school year if possible. I'm hoping other people are using a similar method to see if we can figure out a way to make it work and see if it is an iOS or a JSS change in functionality.
Posted on 09-21-2015 06:56 AM
OK fair enough,
Once you have assigned the app to the user. If you then create a App to auto install under mobile section to automatically deploy.
But experience changes based on supervised or not. If not they get prompted to install. If supervised the app just installs.
Just tested on my iPhone and I get prompted to install app with no password required. Even changed my password settings to require password for free apps
Posted on 09-21-2015 08:02 AM
The other issue that I have observed so far is to get the Mobile section to automatically deploy, the settings on each iPad need to be adjusted under Restrictions to allow Free Downloads since by default it is turned off and cannot be changed via MDM.
The odd thing is that for the Purchased section, it doesn't matter what settings are setup in Restrictions, it prompts you for every single App for a password even if the 15 minute setting is enabled and/or Free Apps allowed, it is almost like the Purchased section ignores all settings now.