iOS Managed distribution and codes apps not downloading to iPads, Free apps work fine

New Contributor III

We started using Casper this past summer and have yet to be successful in pushing out managed apps to iPads. here is what i have found and really could use some help.

I can take a school owned supervised iPad join it to the JSS via AD credentials during DEP setup. I can send it a free app by going to Mobile Devices>Apps> send the app to the device using the scope. The free app, as I am calling it “unlicensed” downloads to the iPad without issue. I have done this with Google Drive and Dropbox. If I try to push a Licensed App, any app you have to purchase and send out via Codes or any App using VPP Managed Distribution, gets to the iPad then sits there saying “waiting” and the app is shadowed. To prove my theory i logged into VPP and “purchased” VPP managed distribution of google drive and dropbox. Then applied that scope to a user name that has been VPP invited and assigned. those apps went to the iPad and then shadowed. Something in our network is stopping the communication to something that allows the licensed apps to be applied.


Contributor III

Are you using shared AppleID's on the iPads? I.E. Is 1 AppleID logged in to the App Store on multiple iPads or is it a 1:1 deployment where each iPad has it's own AppleID.

VPP Assignments work well on our 1:1 setups but are having some hit-or-miss issues with push on our shared setups.

New Contributor

What I have found in the case of a shared ID is that the purchased, managed app appears in the purchased tab of the app store and can be installed from there.

Contributor III

@mikev-Holden That's correct. However, it appears that with Shared AppleID's the silent push doesn't work beyond 10 iPads or so. At that point the option is to manually download the app as you mentioned, conform to Apple's 1 ApppleID per device, or a few devices, or use Configurator.

New Contributor III

Today I tested by taking 3 brand new apple ID's and putting them on to three iPads. These ID's have never been used until today. 2 out of the three ID's work installing the licensed apps. the 3rd never installs the apps, just leaves it "shadowed" in a waiting state. They are appearing in the purchased portion of the app store but this is not how this is intended to work.

I will be using the ID's on multiple iPads in a shared setting, 10 iPads max per ID.