iOS Mass Action Update - Pending Due to Other Pending/Failed Commands

New Contributor

We are attempting to use the mass action to update iPads (~10,000 in batches of 200-300) in our environment, but updates are seemingly being hung up in the pending commands when there are other pending/failed commands.

I've tested on numerous iPads to confirm that clearing out old pending/failed commands (sometimes these are months, or even years, old) and running update inventory allows the update to go through normally.

My question there a way to mass cancel pending/failed commands, but excluding certain commands? I don't see any issues with mass cancelling failed commands, but I am concerned about mass cancelling pending commands where a device may still have an important command pending - Wipe Device, Enable Lost Mode, Unmanage Device - that would be processed when the device checks in.


Valued Contributor III

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 8.30.44 AM.pngHave you flipped to the new Software update Experience? This would cancel all the in-flight updates. 

Also, with one of the recent Jamf Pro updates, included is option to exclude some items...