iOS13 - Provide recent download access to app (google Earth)

New Contributor III

I am mid setting up a restricted profile for a bunch of iPads that are all set to receive the same configuration profile.

One of the apps requested was Google Earth and they wish to import a .KML file into the app which is basically a locations file providing pin data for the map.

I have setup an onsite url to host this file and pushed . shortcut to the devices via an additional config profile but after downloading the file and when attempting to import it into Google Earth, the file is not visible.

If you open up the File app, you can see the recently downloaded file sitting there but seems to be invisible or inaccessible to google Earth via its own import function.

So the question is, how do I give that app (Google Earth pushed via Self Service btw to auto install and deploy) permission to see the downloads folder contents?



New Contributor III

I figured it out. Was obviously a permission issue, just could not suss out where it was being denied but I just allowed unmanaged docs in managed sources via the restrictions and that allowed the file to be seen.