iPad backup with MDM cert..

New Contributor II

I'm attempting to create a backup through iTunes for iPads however my backup which contains all necessary certs for MDM will not work on other machines. The backup appears to be tied to the UUID of the machine that created it but is it possible to get this to work so that the certs will install automatically on all iPads without having to manually go to a url and follow the prompts?


Valued Contributor II

Not that I’ve found.

Even more annoying is IPCU doesn’t properly import enrollment profiles from JAMF. I’ve complained about this to JAMF for months now. It could be as simple as clicking on install in IPCU rather than wirelessly enroll. JAMF has said it hasn’t been fixed because IPCU hasn’t been updated. Either way, it's an annoyance when you're dealing with dozens or hundreds of iOS devices.

Our process is update all iPads to latest OS.
Create local login on sync station just for syncing apps for this cart/school/whatever
Create non credit card iTunes account, purchase apps through VPP
In local login iTunes library, add all apps
Use one iPad and set all local settings that JAMF can't manage (like disable deleting of apps) and sync all apps
Install wireless profile via IPCU
Enroll device in JAMF through enrollment URL
Create backup of this now 'known good iPad'
Backup the backup of the known good ipad to network share

Plug in every other ipad and restore this known good backup.
Rename and label device
Open IPCU and install wireless (locked) profile
Go to enrollment URL and enroll device
Clear Safari Cache to clear out enrollment URL info.

The whole process is a big time suck. We were experimenting with wireless sync, but I don't like how the iPads look for a computer versus a specific iTunes library. This means if anyone logs into the sync station and opens iTunes, the iPads associated with that computer attempt to sync.

New Contributor

We have actually gotten this to be fairly streamlined in my opinion.

We have setup a 'standard' setup that we then backup to iCloud with an iTunes we setup as a generic Casper iTunes account. It takes a little longer than backing up/restoring from a PC, but the fact that you don't need to be connnected to a specific PC makes up for the speed difference.

Once it's restored, we rename the device.
We have a Casper package that pushes out the IPCU and the profile on whatever PC our super user or technician is using.

They hook the device up to the MAC, launch IPCU and load the profile. In our cart environments, with them all connected, it's a breeze. It was even very simple to put the profile on the 15 devices that were setup before we purchased the IOS licenses.

Much easier than doing web based URL enrolment IMHO.


Nick LaTronica
East Brunswick Public Schools