iPad Extension attributes

Contributor II

Or reporting on fields in the JSS

Not really sure how to go about this..

What I am wanting to do is take information from within the JSS and create a smart user group based on that.

I need to be able to create a smart user group based on an app installed via a VPP code.
Under mobile devices this shows up under Apps, apps installed via a redemption code appear under the 'App Store Apps from Mobile Device App Catalog' section. Apps installed via managed VPP licenses or downloaded directly from the app store appear under 'Other'

I want a smart mobile device group where I can search for an app that was installed via a redemption code but not by a VPP license, currently the only relevant criteria option is 'App Name', and that gives me the app installed by both methods.

Is there a way to create an extension attribute for apps specifically located under the 'App Store Apps from Mobile Device App Catalog' section? Or to read the jss apis to pull that information to create new criteria?